Practical Tips for Staying Positive! ❤️
Practical Tips for Staying Positive! ❤️ Dr. Peter Bray As we say a loud and heartfelt, "Adios!" to 2020 and hope for a sunnier 2021, sometimes it feels like we are wading through an endless quagmire of stress and strife. It's our job to find the gems of happiness amongst this mental muck. With all the "lemons" and "curveballs" that life has a tendency to throw at us, it takes a hearty soul to find that zest for life and the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Here are some time tested tips and tricks to increase your lust for life and up your energy! 1. Keep a written journal. Be descriptive and truthful. Recent studies have found a direct correlation between writing down your ideas, feelings and insights and discovering an appreciation for your life and increased feelings of positivity and fulfillment. Make a daily list of what you are grateful for. Record all your thoughts good and bad, only then can you fu...