Nipple Inversion Surgery

Nipple Inversion Surgery

Dr. Peter Bray
Do your inverted nipples make you feel self-conscious?, or perhaps you are anticipating breastfeeding and want to make the process easier? Whatever your reasons a certified Cosmetic Surgeon can determine if you will benefit from corrective Nipple Inversion surgery.

What Are Inverted Nipples?

Inverted nipples are fairly common, they can happen when the ducts behind the nipple are formed in a way that makes them excessively tight. This causes the nipple to be pulled into the surrounding areola. Inverse areola can make it difficult to breastfeed- the nursing infant may not be able to hook onto the breast and bring the areola into his or her mouth.
It is uncommon but the condition of Nipple Inversion can also occur in men.

How Nipple Inversion Surgery is Performed

Inverted areola can be easily rectified with minor surgery. The surgery is normally performed under local anesthetic, however a few patients may require a general anesthetic. In either case there is usually very little pain felt during this procedure.
A very small entry point is made along the edge of the areola. The overly tightened ducts, the cause of the nipple inversion, are then very delicately released. This allows the areola to quickly extend to it’s normal shape.
Patients can see the improvement immediately. One stitch/fastener is then used along the entry point. The suture disintegrates in about seven days. The scar is normally undetectable.

A Consultation With Your Cosmetic Surgeon

Find a reputable and well reviewed, we recommend, certified Cosmetic Surgeon in your area. Do your research, bring your own list of questions and explain your wishes and expectations. A good Cosmetic Surgeon will answer all of your questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Recuperation Following Nipple Inversion Surgery

In the rare occasion that the patient is put under general anesthetic for this procedure, someone should be there to accompany them home. Otherwise recuperation following this procedure is fairly basic. Patients can usually begin showering the day after surgery. It is recommended that Nipple Inversion surgery patients delicately wash the area with soap and water and regularly apply an antibiotic salve.
There may be some minor leakage from the incision for the first few days following surgery- most patients wear a light cushion inside their bra for a couple of days. Patients may return to work the next day after surgery but should wait about two weeks before returning to any vigorous activity/exercise.


You will see the improvement right away. There may be slight swelling and a tenderness around the incision for about seven days after this procedure. Nipple Inversion surgery patients are very happy about the improvements in their appearance both clothed and naked following surgery. Patients usually experience an increase in self-confidence post surgery.
There are many options for Nipple Inversion surgery and different approaches for every type of patient. Setting up a consultation is the first step to a successful surgery. Visit our website to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bray today.


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