6 Easy & Effective Ways of Maintaining Your Health.

6 Easy & Effective Ways of Maintaining Your Health.

Dr. Peter Bray

1. Keep at a Healthy Weight.

Maintaining a healthy and consistent weight is more difficult than you might assume. A useful strategy if you are overweight is to learn how to maintain a steady weight, without gaining additional pounds. Once you have done this you will see an improvement in your overall health. At this point you can start to make the necessary lifestyle changes, such as changing your diet and exercising more frequently to eliminate unwanted pounds. This is one of the most important aspects in achieving better health.

- Schedule regular physical activities into your daily life.

- Limit screen time.

- Eat at regular hours and try to eat natural, non-processed foods such as vegetables and whole grains.

- Eat small portions and eat more slowly.

2. Exercise Regularly.

One of the most essential ways to stay healthy. While it may be hard to schedule exercise into your busy life, as little as 30 minutes a day can be beneficial. Don't be discouraged, while more is better any amount of physical activity contributes to good health.

- Choose exercises you enjoy, strolling, gardening, even just moving your body (tai chi, is a good option).

- Make a habit of keeping a similar time each day for some kind of exercise. Whether it be doing yoga in the morning or walking after a meal.

- Find a workout partner, this can be your spouse, your kids or someone you live with (modified for current times).

3. Don't Smoke!

You have heard it before but stopping smoking is the absolute best thing you can do for your health and longevity. While it is hard, many thousands of people quit every year and there are many proven methods to stop smoking. You can do it!

- Keep trying. It can take 6-7 attempts to quit permanently.

- Talk to a Doctor or Counselor and ask for help.

- Join a group to quit smoking. You may have access to this through work, friends or family.

- If your spouse or kids smoke, talk to them seriously about stopping.

4. Eat a Healthy Diet.

The value of a healthy diet is clear. You should be concentrating on natural foods, vegetables, whole grains and make an effort to reduce the amount of meat in your diet. Eliminate trans fats from your diet and eat whole fats (natural butter, olive oil, canola oil) more frequently. Supplementing with a good multi vitamin with iron can also be beneficial.  

- Make natural foods a part of every meal. Eat grains and vegetables with every meal.

- Choose chicken, fish or beans over red meat.

- Pick whole grains like oats, brown rice and whole wheat bread, over processed white rice or breads.

- Use olive or canola oil for cooking and pick dishes made with these natural fats.

- Eliminate fast foods and processed foods whenever possible.

- If you are going to supplement with a multi vitamin, do your research and choose a reputable brand.

5. Drink Alcohol in Moderation, or Not at All.

Moderate drinking can be enjoyable, but more frequent use of alcohol has been linked to many heath problems, including cancers. If you don't drink, don't feel pressured to begin. If you drink moderately (1 drink per day), you can likely continue with no great risk. If you drink in excess you should seriously consider reducing your intake or stopping drinking.

- Choose non-alcoholic drinks at dinners and social gatherings.

- Stay away from liquor based events.

- Talk to a Doctor or Counselor if you think you might have a problem with alcohol.

- Talk to your children and spouse about the dangers of alcohol.

6. Shield Yourself from the Sun.

The sun is warm and welcoming but it can also cause skin disease, including melanoma and other cancers. Skin problems can begin in adolescence, so it is imperative to protect children.

- Avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. (the most intense hours).

- Wear hats, long-sleeve shirts and sunscreens with SPF15 or higher.

- Don't use sun lights or tanning salons. Use self-tanning creams instead.

- Use tinted sunscreen on kids so you can check whether you have missed any spots.

- Be a role model for kids by safeguarding yourself from the sun.

These are just a few very easy and effective ways to safeguard your health on a daily basis. We will be adding to this list and if you have any additional ideas please leave us your comments below. For more info on Dr. Peter Bray and his practice, please visit: www.cosmeticplasticsurgerytoronto.ca


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