Self-care In The Time of Covid

Self-care In The Time of Covid

Dr. Bray’s Staff

I think we are all feeling a little overwhelmed by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Collectively we are facing an ever changing and challenging news cycle, unemployment or working long hours from home (with a multitude of distractions), financial insecurity and wanting desperately to keep our family and ourselves healthy and safe. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and even hopelessness. While a lot to process, we can keep healthy if we stay centered, try to be active, optimistic and always moving forward. Life can sometimes seem like a dark cloud over our head. It is our job as parents, partners, family and friends to remain productive, compassionate, members of society and to keep focused and resilient. To resist the urge to run screaming and instead become a pillar of strength and a beacon of hope for our community.

It is not unreasonable to feel powerless, confused or filled with anxiety during a dramatic event such as this. Feelings may come up that make you feel nervous and uncomfortable, maybe even full of dread. Isolation, fear and financial hardships can magnify these feelings and you might even feel like you are losing your grip on reality and your mind. These negative emotions can even manifest themselves as physical pain, sleeplessness and exhaustion. They can adversely affect your health and overall wellbeing.

Full disclosure: During the writing of this piece, I was informed about the loss of an old friend who simply could not handle the additional stress of this situation. It is a tragedy and hopefully by sharing the following tips, we may stop another unnecessary loss from happening again.

Don’t undervalue yourself. Taking the time for self-care is very important, so that you may be mentally and physically well and able to assist those around you. I use the “pre-flight safety” analogy of putting your own oxygen mask on first...

Here are some simple things you can do to keep yourself in good mental and physical shape and good overall health:

Your physical wellbeing is first and foremost. The mind follows the body and vice-versa.

  1. Give yourself an advantage by eating healthy, eating on a regular schedule and drinking a good amount of water to stay hydrated.

  1. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. Take daytime naps if you miss your sleep. 

  1. Exercise every single day, without exception, even if you are just going out for a short walk. 

  1. Take large full breaths and stretch regularly or do yoga. Many good classes can be found online, on Youtube, etc. 

  1. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as overindulging in alcohol, misusing prescription medications and using recreational drugs or any other illicit substances.

  1. Try to spend as much time as possible outside. Invest your energy outside in nature. Sit in your backyard, garden, go for a walk, bike, rollerblade, just as long as you follow “social distancing” rules. 

Alway safeguard your mental and emotional well-being. The following are suggestions on how to keep your emotions in check and feelings under control: 

  1. Set a healthy work routine and hours, make a safe, comfortable and quiet workspace. Someplace free of distractions if possible.

  1. Focus on the small things you can control in your life instead of the things you cannot. Don’t overthink things and live in the present!

  1. Use technology wisely. Use it to keep in close contact with friends and family. Set a schedule for communication and mark your calendar with appointments to try and keep a semblance of normalcy.

  1. Keep your mind on today, don’t worry about the past or the future. Be happy and enjoy the little things in life. Live in the now. 

  1. Enjoy art, music and books as much as possible. It is a great idea to get lost in a book, instead of on Facebook or the news. 

  1. If you are going to tune into media channels, make sure they are reliable and stay away from shock media or sensationalized stories. Practise technology and media fasting. Take a break if you find the news is making you anxious or irritable. 

  1. Trust your own instincts and feelings about what is really important. Live your life. 

Do good. Support first responders, food and blood banks, give when you can and watch out of the old, sick, lonely or vulnerable members of our society. It is our job to take care of each other, we are all in this together. 

Thank those who are looking out for you. Be thankful. 

If you feel like you are helpless or hopeless, reach out immediately. There is absolutely no shame in asking for help. We will get through this together.


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