
New Plastic Surgery Trends: 2020-2021

New Plastic Surgery Trends: 2020-2021 Dr. Peter Bray 2020 was a strange year. The Coronavirus paused our lives as governments issued lockdowns worldwide and scientists hurriedly worked to find a vaccine. With a stay-at-home order in effect, we moved to work remotely and telecommunicate with friends and family. It also saw a significant increase in telemedicine.  With life happening online, we had to take a long hard look at ourselves literally and figuratively. The increased hours staring at our faces increased facial plastic surgery procedures in 2020, including rhinoplasty, injectables, fillers, laser, skincare, and many non-invasive procedures. Some larger surgeries were put on hold because of the pandemic.  When governmental orders fully lift and with new rules applied to the aesthetics industry, there will likely be an immediate increase in individuals seeking these treatments and many others.  Following continuing trends, injecta...

Practical Tips for Staying Positive! ❤️

Practical Tips for Staying Positive! ❤️ Dr. Peter Bray As we say a loud and heartfelt, "Adios!" to 2020 and hope for a sunnier 2021, sometimes it feels like we are wading through an endless quagmire of stress and strife. It's our job to find the gems of happiness amongst this mental muck. With all the "lemons" and "curveballs" that life has a tendency to throw at us, it takes a hearty soul to find that zest for life and the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Here are some time tested tips and tricks to increase your lust for life and up your energy! 1. Keep a written journal. Be descriptive and truthful. Recent studies have found a direct correlation between writing down your ideas, feelings and insights and discovering an appreciation for your life and increased feelings of positivity and fulfillment. Make a daily list of what you are grateful for. Record all your thoughts good and bad, only then can you fu...

Plastic surgery precautions during COVID-19 By Dr. Peter Bray

Plastic surgery precautions during COVID-19 By Dr. Peter Bray Plastic surgery is very popular in our society, and strong interest during the Coronavirus pandemic has further validated this. While there was a temporary dip in online searches at the beginning of the epidemic, the situation has rebounded, and the industry has shown a marked uptick over last year! Some tips for safe plastic surgery during COVID-19 All patients considering surgery should look for a Doctor who follows the most strict protocols, precautions, and health & safety standards. Here are some things to look for to ensure a safe and pleasurable experience when considering plastic surgery procedures. Do your research and look for a surgeon committed to closely following the health department guidelines in your region and that of the Federal Government.  Demand that your specialist exercises the following operational protocols and safety measures: 1. Virtual consultations wh...

Self-care In The Time of Covid

Self-care In The Time of Covid Dr. Bray’s Staff I think we are all feeling a little overwhelmed by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Collectively we are facing an ever changing and challenging news cycle, unemployment or working long hours from home (with a multitude of distractions), financial insecurity and wanting desperately to keep our family and ourselves healthy and safe. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and even hopelessness. While a lot to process, we can keep healthy if we stay centered, try to be active, optimistic and always moving forward. Life can sometimes seem like a dark cloud over our head. It is our job as parents, partners, family and friends to remain productive, compassionate, members of society and to keep focused and resilient. To resist the urge to run screaming and instead become a pillar of strength and a beacon of hope for our community. It is not unreasonable to feel powerless, confused or fill...

6 Easy & Effective Ways of Maintaining Your Health.

6 Easy & Effective Ways of Maintaining Your Health. Dr. Peter Bray 1. Keep at a Healthy Weight. Maintaining a healthy and consistent weight is more difficult than you might assume. A useful strategy if you are overweight is to learn how to maintain a steady weight, without gaining additional pounds. Once you have done this you will see an improvement in your overall health. At this point you can start to make the necessary lifestyle changes, such as changing your diet and exercising more frequently to eliminate unwanted pounds. This is one of the most important aspects in achieving better health. - Schedule regular physical activities into your daily life. - Limit screen time. - Eat at regular hours and try to eat natural, non-processed foods such as vegetables and whole grains. - Eat small portions and eat more slowly. 2. Exercise Regularly. One of the most essential ways to stay healthy. While it may be hard to schedule ...

Fall and Winter can be the best time for Plastic Surgery

By  Dr. Peter Bray. Thinking about getting Plastic Surgery but unsure about the best time of year to get it done? The Fall and Winter months might be the best time of year for Plastic Surgery, here are a few reasons why: Recuperation is easier: Many people are reluctant to undergo procedures such as a Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, BBL or a combination of these procedures, such as in a Mommy Makeover. This is because they are too busy for the recuperation process. Unfortunately, there are few exceptions to the "down time" needed to recover from these surgeries. There are the exception of Botox treatments, Fillers, Microdermabrasion and other non-invasive in office procedures. If you do undergo invasive surgery and you need a few days to rest before returning to a light schedule, the Winter months are often the best time year to take time off. When you do start to resume a more regular routine, the layers of seasonal clothing an...

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss  By: Dr. Peter Bray For more info: Plastic Surgery after massive weight loss. Most people who have lost 100 lbs or more are excited about this possibility. After losing a large amount of weight, most individuals are likely to have excess, loose skin, this can be embarrassing and may cause discomfort. Plastic Surgery can remove this excess skin and improve the shape and tone of the body underneath, including: Arms, thighs, breasts, backside, face and mid-section. There are a few corrective procedures to assist you with a trimmer, firmer shape: Body Sculpting/Contouring or Body Lift, "Tummy Tuck" aka Abdominoplasty, BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift), Breast Lift and Arm Lift. Body Contouring (Body Lift)  Body Lift surgery is one of the best methods to improve the body's appearance after weight reduction surgery. It gives a long lasting solution, provided you keep a stable weight. Your Special...